Wednesday 29 November 2023

Nightwing #108 - Comic Review


Tom Taylor's Nightwing is a book that feels like a pretty safe bet every month. It's fun, it reads quickly, the art is great, and I look forward to each each month. But it also sometimes feels like there's not a huge amount to it. And this issue is kind of a decent example of that.

This issue opens with the traitor amongst Bea's crew being revealed, resulting in a cool visual representation of Dick chasing him through the ship. After that, Dick and Bea have a bit of an argument about their past relationship before the ship arrives at a secret pirate city hidden inside a huge cave. Here, Bea ends up getting ambushed by her cruel brother, who kills her top man, then stabs her in the stomach with a sword and throws her hundreds of feet into the ocean below. That's it. Like I said, not a huge amount to it.

What we get is entertaining enough, it's enjoyable enough, but like with the last couple of issues of the book I've come away wondering what I can really write about it. I don't know if it's this arc, or perhaps Taylor has just gotten a bit comfortable with the character, but Nightwing seems to be in this space where it's just not managing to get me hugely excited, nor does it leave me feeling massively impressed.

I like this book, but I want to love this book. Early on in Taylor's run it was one of the books I was very hyped for, now it's like a comfortable pair of slippers, nice to put on, but that comfortable you kind of forget you're wearing them.

This issue is fun, and it has some great art, so why aren't I loving it more?

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