Wednesday 13 November 2019

Ricky Gervais Returns To Host Golden Globes Despite Rampant Transphobia

Comedian Ricky Gervais has been announced to be the host for the upcoming Golden Globes awards, his fifth time hosting the event, despite a history of transphobia.

Gervais previously hosted the event in 2015, where he made remarks about Caitlyn Jenner's transition, deadnaming her in the process. 'I'm going to be nice tonight. I've changed - not as much as [Caitlyn Jenner's deadname]. What a year she's had!' He later defended his choice of a crass and demeaning joke as 'playing with the notions of stereotypes'.

He would go on to make more transphobic comments about Jenner in a stand-up special. During the special he referred to her as an 'it', and misgendered her several times. 'It won a medal. It was on the telly all the time. A big famous man. With huge... I don't know. I would never deadname her, but when she was a man... I'd never deadname her now, but this is like a flashback.'

'She’s always identified as a woman,” he said. “That means she’s a woman. Fine, if that’s the rules. If you feel you’re a woman, you are. I’m not a bigot who thinks having all that done is science going too far.' He added. 'In fact, I don’t think it’s going far enough. ’Cause I’ve always identified as a chimp, right? Well, I am a chimp. If I say I’m a chimp, I am a chimp pre-op. But don’t ever deadname me. Don’t call me Ricky Gervais again. From now on, you call me Bob.'

This was far from the last time that Gervais engaged in transphobic 'humour', as he has continued to make multiple transphobic comments on his social media platforms.

He has also made 'jokes' where he identifies as other animals and objects, such as a 'two-spirit penguin'. He has also said that his pronoun is 'it'.

Just a few weeks ago he received criticism for announcing that he was planning to dress as a trans woman for Halloween. 'I was going to dress up as something weird and creepy for my Halloween party, but I'm bucking the trend this year and I'm going as brave female activist Jessica Yaniv.' He said. 'This also means that I don't have to wax my big hairy balls.'

He has also once claimed to identify as black when he was called out by a woman of colour for racist and privileged comments that he made.

Some people have also pointed out that his being asked to host the awards following his history of attacking minorities is a stark contrast to Kevin Hart, who was removed from hosting the Oscars following previous tweets coming to light in which he made homophobic jokes. Perhaps it's because Hart's targets were gay cis people rather than trans people that made them unacceptable whilst Gervais gets a free pass; or it could be because only one of them is white.

Gervais has also been seen on video laughing at comedian Louis CK using the N word. He has also publicly making jokes about AIDS. Both of these moments received heavy criticism.

Ricky Gervais constantly punches downwards with his 'humour', attacking and mocking minorities to help to increase his own feelings of smug self worth. He has laughed at people who have criticised him and his jokes, yet will appear on social media engaging in harassment of people who disagree with him in a petulant attempt to come off as the winner. He makes comments saying that the only people who complain about him are 'PC' and have 'pronouns in their bios'. This is the person that will be representing the Golden Globes. Disgusting.

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