Wednesday 18 September 2019

Marvel Action: Spider-Man #8 – Comic Review

Originally published on Set The Tape

Marvel Action: Spider-Man #8 continues the tale of the spider-heroes having to face off against the cat burglar Black Cat, as her luck-based powers begin to bring the heroes a whole host of bad luck in their private lives.

Still reeling from the disastrous fight in the last issue, Peter, Miles, and Gwen are struggling to figure out their places within the team. None of them feel like things are working well. Peter feels that he should be in a position of leadership and teaching, where he can use his experience as a hero to help the others. Gwen is struggling to work with the guys as she feels like they’re both holding her back and preventing her from achieving her best. And Miles feels like the odd one out: a second Spider-Man who isn’t sure how to handle things.

Whilst these feelings and issues are definitely real, they’ve been exacerbated thanks to Black Cat, and their bad luck is feeding into their feelings that they’re not working well as a team. Unfortunately, this bad luck is also preventing them from being a team in more ways than one. Miles accidentally breaks his best friend’s arm and spends the night taking him to hospital, whilst Gwen almost burns down her apartment and is grounded by her father, meaning that Peter has to go it alone when Black Cat releases a group of leopards in the zoo.

Watching Peter have to deal with these furry troublemakers is actually a lot of fun. At first he’s falling foul of the bad luck, but once he figures out that he can’t take on the animals physically because of this he just starts treating them like actual cats, which is actually really cute. The panels of the leopards playing with their tails, or chasing balls of webbing are really fun, and the panel where Spidey is trying to shove one back into its enclosure is instantly recognisable to any cat owner who has tried to get their cat into a pet carrier.

Fico Ossio’s artwork is brilliant in the scenes in the zoo, and they’re able to bring a lot of character and energy to the animals. Even though not much really happens in that scene it might be one of my favourites in the series so far, thanks to the energy and humour that’s brought to it.

By the end of the issue the team are able to figure out that they’re falling foul of bad luck and not just sucking as a team, and are able to track down Black Cat’s location thanks to some investigating. This sets the stage for what is sure to be an interesting conclusion as the three of them are going to have to take down the bad guy without everything going wrong around them. It’s a confrontation that I’m certainly looking forward to seeing.

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