Saturday 16 July 2022

Multiversity: Teen Justice #1 - Comic Review


Originally published on Patreon

One of the things I remember fondly when discovering comics at my local library as a kid were the Elseworlds books; tales of strange worlds similar to the one we knew from DC, but very different in a lot of ways. Because of this, I've always had a bit of a soft spot for these alternative takes in the DC universe, and am glad to see that we're still getting stories set on other Earth's in their multiverse.

Multiversity: Teen Justice is set on Earth 11, a world where the genders of characters have been flipped. There are more subtle differences than that, but for the most part you have Batwoman instead of Batman, Superwoman instead of Superman, and Wonder Man instead of Wonder Woman.

This new title follows the exploits of a teen hero group similar to the Teen Titans. Their members include Robin, daughter of Batwoman; Supergirl, daughter of Superwoman; Aquagirl; Donald Troy, aka Wonder Lad; Kid Quid, non-binary nibling to Jessie Quick; and Klarienne the witch girl.

The story starts with the team already together, though still figuring out how to work with each other. There are some personal issues and clashes of personalities to work through; though they do work well together when things are bad.

Over the events of the book we learn that Sister Blood has formed a church in New York City and is trying to recruit young people into her following. There's also a break in at STAR Labs that may be connected. The two separate cases are brought together by Raven, who brings it to the group that have been trying to recruit him. And we get a surprise reveal in the last few pages that I genuinely did not see coming, and am very excited to see more of as its a version of one of my favourite characters.

The story of Multiversity: Teen Justice seems pretty decent so far. It feels a lot like other teen tram books, it has a decent beginning of a good story, the team feels like a good mix, and I'm interested in seeing more of this alternative Earth.

I like the characters, both the way that they're written and in their designs. Part of the fun of this book is seeing characters we know in completely different ways than we have before. They all feel similar enough to their Earth 0 counterparts to not feel completely alien, but give us plenty of new things. I also really like several of the character designs, especially Supergirl, Robin, and Raven.

The issue also gives us reprint of the original Teen Justice short story that appeared in a previous anthology; giving new readers a chance to see where the characters originated.

I was unsure whether I was going to enjoy this title or not after being introduced to the team in DC Pride 2022 (a full review for which can be found on my blog) but had a lot of fun with this issue. It's definitely in the pile of stuff I'm going to be looking forward to each month.

This article, and many others, can be read a month early on my Patreon for as little as $3 a month!

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