Sunday 31 July 2022

Moon Knight Episodes 3 & 4 - TV Review


Originally published on Patreon

So, another two episodes of Moon Knight down, and I'm really enjoying this show.

Episode three was a lot of fun, it felt like a pretty standard kind of super hero adventure for the most part, even with the personality swapping and visits with God avatars. Much of Mark's journey to try to find the tomb felt like stuff I'd seen before, tracking down leads, fighting henchmen, that kind of thing. The biggest exception is the turning back of the stars, which was just gorgeous from a visual point of view.

The fourth episode is really where these two worked for me. I absolutely love the horror vibe that the show took on once Mark and Layla were inside the tomb. The mummies were genuinely creepy, and the scene where Layla was having to hide behind the altar whilst the mummy priest killed that man was really tense, horrific, and surprising for a Disney show.

I know that we've got Blade coming at some point in the future, and that it'll most likely be a very dark, violent, and horrific show; but I was surprised that Moon Knight seemed to be embracing horror elements too. If you'd have asked me, even before that episode, if I thought Moon Knight was going to veer into horror I'd have said no for sure.

I enjoyed how the fourth episode played with my expectations towards the end too. When Mark was shot and fell into the pool I expected the episode to end. So I was very surprised when things continued on, especially as it seemed the show was trying to pull the 'it was in his head the whole time' trope on us. 

But, it being this show, even this got thrown on its head when Mark discovers Steven in this mental hospital setting, and the two of them get to meet in the flesh. And then they meet a hippo woman. Now that's how you end an episode, leaving your audience confused and desperately wanting to know what the hell is going on.

Moon Knight is one of those shows where I could not tell you what I expect to happen next. This story could go in any direction and I wouldn't be surprised by it anymore. So wherever it's taking us next I'm sure it's going to be good.

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