Sunday 17 July 2022

Hawkeye, Episodes 1 & 2 - TV Review


Originally published in Patreon

I know I'm incredibly late to watching and talking about Hawkeye which is why my reviews for the show are going to be here, but I enjoyed what I've seen so far and wanted to write a little bit about it.

Episode one was a great introduction to the character of Kate Bishop. I've not read much of her in the comics, but was aware of her existing before the series came out, and having seen Hailee Steinfeld in Bumblebee, and having enjoyed it, I was eager to see this version of the character. The first scene of the young adult Kate was great, and it felt like the perfect intro to both her, and the tone of the show. It looks like this is a series that isn't going to be taking itself too seriously, and is simply going to try and have a bit of fun; and I can appreciate that. The fact that when we meet up with Clint he's watching a really, really bad musical based upon Steve Rogers just further emphasises this point. 

Speaking of Clint, I love that they've finally made him deaf in the MCU. This is one of the more high profile disabled characters, and the fact that it's taken over a decade of him existing on screen in this incarnation to come up has been a major oversight for sure. I like that it's finally being done, but wish that it was something that had always been a thing.

The central conflict of the show, the Ronin suit and the issues that it brings with it, is a pretty good way to get things kicked off, and whilst there's definitely more going on other than just the issues around Ronin, it's a good intro point.

Kate proved to be a pretty decent fighter in the first episode, especially in the auction fight; which I felt was one of the more enjoyable moments so far. I liked how she wasn't completely polished as a fighter. Yes, she's skilled, but there's a difference between learning and practising in a controlled environment, and actually fighting against people who want to hurt you. And the show really sells this idea. She has promise, but still has a bit of a way to go before she can be the next Hawkeye.

When Kate and Clint finally come together in the second episode it proved to be a lot of fun, and I like how Clint immediately went from being about to hit her in the face to being the kind and protective father figure, making sure that she was okay. It reminded me of his role in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and how he acted towards Wanda in that film. He fits well into a mentor role, and it seems like that's going to be his big arc for this show.

The Tracksuit Mafia were an absolute delight to watch, and walked that line between believably silly and too over the top well. I really hope that we get them as a long term antagonist for the show, because they just brought a smile to my face every scene they were in. And, is their boss Echo? It certainly seems like it might be her, because that woman definitely seemed to be deaf. I know that there's supposed to be an Echo show coming at some point, so wouldn't be surprised to see her character be given an introduction here.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with the first two episodes of Hawkeye, and am looking forward to seeing more of the show.

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