Thursday 8 December 2022

Predator #4 - Comic Review


Originally published on Patreon

After spending an issue battling a Yautja on a barren ice planet Theta is ready to load her ship up with supplies and get the hell out of the way before authorities arrive. However, the big question of how the Predator found her, having brought her axe from her last hunt with it, plays on her mind, raising the possibility that the creatures have started to come after her.

That proves to be correct as this issue sees her ship coming under attack from two Yautja vessels that chase her through the snow filled atmosphere. Trying her best do doge and weave, trying to avoid the incoming fire, it soon becomes clear that she's not going to lose the alien hunters, so turns the tables instead.

Theta manages to destroy one of the ships, but the second manages to down her ship. Rather than letting the alien hunter blow her ship apart, or coming in after her, she heads out into the snow to challenge them to a fight. The Yautja beams down, and the two of them enter combat. And it does not go well for Theta. She gets bashed around pretty badly, and is all set to lose when a hail of gunfire rips the Yautja apart. Theta is then rescued/captured by Astar Industries.

This Predator story has been okay, and I like the central idea of someone hunting down Predators, trying to find the one that killed their family, but this issue felt a bt weird for me. Maybe it's because it's doing something different with the fomula, having space ship dog fights rather than the Yautja on the ground, hunting. I'm not sure what it was, but it definitely felt weaker than the last two issues. However, we do know now that multiple Yautja are hunting Theta, which does add a level of tension to things.

I'm assuming that at the start of the next issue she's going to be Astar's prisoner, and that it may end up being the Yautja coming after her that gets her out of that situation. If so, that could be a fun way to take the series, and I think that it would be an interesting way to conclude the story. 

The artwork is solid throughout, and the spaceship fights and the battle in the snow all looked really good. The series has been really consistent with the art, and everything has always looked fantastic, with the only real weaknesses being the writing department.

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