Wednesday 21 September 2022

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3 - Comic Review


Originally published on Patreon

I really thought that this issue was going to give us the big reveal, that by the last page we'd know who was behind all of this; but it absolutely tricked me and kept that information just out of reach. Fair play.

This issue sees our displaced trio coming face to face with the men who hurt them most in their pasts, and having to fight them. However, during the fight Cassie keeps encouraging the young heroes to kill the villains, and Bart keeps seeing strange things when he uses his speed; things that make him believe that he's in some kind of simulation or false reality.

The situation brings out some strong emotions in the group, and it ends up devolving into a fight that sees them split up; though it's probably fair to assume that this is somehow part of the manipulations going on.

When they're alone each of them gets visited by Cassie, who tries one last time to get them to accept that world that they're in and to give themselves over to it. Each of them refuse (though Conner comes the closest to saying yes) and they find themselves back on the Watchtower, where Cassie admonishes them, telling them they should have taken the easy option, and that 'he' will be angry with them now. She then unleashes a horde of angry heroes upon the trio.

So, with all the talk of the person behind this, of 'him' being angry and the boys needing to just accept this new reality I was convinced that we were going to get the reveal here, but the book holds it back. And it's kind of frustrating but in one of those fun ways.

I honestly have no idea who this is or why they're doing it. Whilst Pariah seems to be the most obvious suspect it just doesn't feel right compared to what's happening with the League. They're all in individual dream worlds, these three are all together. Those worlds seem to have an effect on those inside it, forcing them to believe that it's real, whilst Tim, Bart, and Conner seem well aware that this is fake and are able to fight against it. Plus, I don't see a reason why Pariah would target these three and pull them out of reality.

I'm hoping that we get the reveal of what's going on next issue, and that it's not something that's going to be held back until the final issue. I think we can get these answers and still have a lot of story to tell; so hopefully these revelations will come soon.

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