Sunday 20 June 2021

Tyra's Sweet Shop by Josh Bright - Book Review


'Tyra wants a new bike and with the help of her friends, Levi and Bambo, embark on an entrepreneurial journey for her to be able to afford one. Join Tyra and friends on this adventure and create your own mini business plan at the end.'

Tyra's Sweet Shop is a new, independently published children's book that tells the story of Tyra and her friends as they set out to start up their own mobile sweet shop in order to earn money to buy a new bike. The book is written and illustrated by Josh Bright, whose art really makes the book stand out.

The story is fairly simple, which is good for a children's story, yet it goes into detail on how to go around starting a business. Tyra, and the reader, will learn about having to spend money to start a business, how you need sales to cover your costs, how to reinvest in more stock, and hopefully eventually start to make profit. Whilst a lot of children's books would simply show the kids selling sweets and earning money Bright gives the book a more realistic edge, and shows that it takes time and effort, and perseverance, to keep at your own business and eventually start earning money.

This more detailed and realistic approach definitely made the book feel different, something that would stand out amongst other books that follow a similar kind of story. It even has a section in the back for kids to write in their own plans for how to start a business, with the narrative already having briefed them how to go about doing so.

The book also has a number of illustrations, and I have to be honest, I really like the style of the drawings. I first saw them on the books Twitter account, where there are even some animated versions of the characters (you should definitely go check it out!). The bright and bold images work really well, and the characters stand out on the page, with each of them looking clear and distinct enough so that kids will be able to follow along without much confusion.

Tyra's Sweet Shop is a fun and informative kids book that's trying something different, that isn't just pandering to kids, but explaining complex ideas in easy to understand ways so that they come out the end of it having learnt something; all whilst enjoying a story of a little girl selling sweets so that she can buy herself a new bike.

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