Monday 11 November 2019

Transgender Teen YouTuber Vows To Continue To Share Transition Despite Death Threats

Hannah Phillips, a 19-year-old trangender girl from the UK, has revealed that despite receiving near daily threats and abuse for her YouTube channel, where she shares her transition, she will continue to create and share content about her journey.

Hannah began her channel four years ago, shortly after coming out as trans, and claims to be the first transgender person to release a video every day. The channel documents her journey as she transitions. However, Hannah has revealed that she is the victim of death threats and abuse because of her content.

'I get negative comments on a daily basis, anything from generic death threats to direct transphobia, but it doesn't bother me. I ignore it and carry on.' She said, speaking to the press on the subject.

'The bad is outweighed by the good, though. I get messages from people's parents who thank me for helping them to understand what their child is going through, and messages from the trans community, thanking me for being so honest about what I've been through.'

Hannah described how she came out to her parents as transgender when she was fifteen, and wrote them a letter explaining her situation and what she wanted to do going forward. 'The next day they spoke to me and told me they supported me and accepted my decision. My brother said exactly the same. As soon as I told them the truth it felt like a burden had been lifted and the final piece of the jigsaw had been added.'

Hannah has had to deal with transphobia in the past, however, as she left school during Year 10 due to transphobic bullying and humiliation from other students. She left the school the next day and enrolled in college to study performing arts.

She has said that despite the abuse she is receiving for producing her videos, she will continue to do so to try to help other teens that experienced similar situations to her.

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  1. This is the 20th century why so much hate ? To be honest i think trans should not exist. Ur either male or female .trans is just another way of saying im male but want to be female or im female and want to be male. There is more things in the world to be angry about than this. How about hate all the murders or rapist or child molesters or abuse or men abusing and hurting women. The point is that its shouldnt matter what sex u are or want to be .were all human .what if it was the other way around transgenders send out death threats to u for being just male or female ? That would never happen we dont care what ur gender is were just trying to live our life like u .

  2. I hope noone took this the wrong way if so im sorry
